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!!! A state-by-state breakdown of US coronavirus cases !!!
(1) 04292021 - US vows again to ban menthol flavor in cigarettes, cigars
U.S. health regulators pledged again Thursday to try to ban menthol cigarettes, this time under pressure from African American groups to remove the mint flavor popular among Black smokers. The Food and Drug Administration has attempted several times to get rid of menthol but faced pushback from Big Tobacco, members of Congress and competing political interests in both the Obama and Trump administrations. Any menthol ban will take years to implement and will likely face legal challenges from tobacco companies. Menthol is the only cigarette flavor that was not banned under the 2009 law that gave the FDA authority over tobacco products, an exemption negotiated by industry lobbyists. The act did, though, instruct the agency to continue to weigh banning menthol.
* weigh = (결정을 내리기 전에) 따져 보다, 저울질하다; 무게[체중]를 달다; 무게[체중]가 ~이다/ under pressure = (~을 하도록) 강요당하는[압력을 받는]; 스트레스를 받는[압박감을 느끼는]; (액체, 가스가) 압축된