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Vyacheslav Stoyanov had dreamed of visiting America since he was a young child. Yana Melamed grew up visiting family in the United States. But she long dreamed of exploring South America. Together, they are making both of their dreams come true. On bicycles. Yana is from Bulgaria. Vyacheslav, who goes by Slav, is originally from Ukraine. He moved to Bulgaria almost 20 years ago. Last June, Slav and Yana flew on an airplane – with their bicycles -- from Sofia, Bulgaria, to Deadhorse, Alaska. The town of 25 people is one of the northernmost communities in North America.
* dream of(about) ~ = (바라는 일을) 꿈꾸다[상상하다]/ come true = (바람, 소망 등이) 이루어지다, 실현되다/ go by ~ = ~로 불려지는(알려진)/ northernmost = 최북단의
From Deadhorse, they began a 60,000-kilometer bike trip, from Alaska to Argentina. They are biking to the southernmost point in South America. “The life on two wheels, it’s something very, very exciting, and very fun actually,” Yana said. “Most of the people think it’s very hard, very tough, cycling all day with the luggage. Yes, we have the tough times. But it’s a lot of fun because we are very independent." But their journey is not only about having fun and fulfilling their dreams. Yana and Slav call their mission Cycle4Recycle. They say the goal of Cycle4Recycle is to make people more aware of how to protect the environment and preserve natural resources.
* southernmost = 최남단의/ luggage = (여행용) 짐[수하물]/ independent = 자립적인; 독립적인/ fulfill = (소망, 야심 등을) 달성하다/ aware (of ~) = (~을) 알고[의식/자각하고] 있는/ preserve = 지키다[보호하다]/ natural resource = 천연 자원