01. Would you have a gun if you had the choice?
02. Do you think it¡¯s a person¡¯s right to own a gun?
03. Do you think violent movies encourage the use of guns?
04. What checks should there be made before someone can buy a gun?
05. Guns don¡¯t kill people, people do. What do you think of this?
06. Do you think making people have gun licenses would reduce crime?
07. Do you think people should be allowed to have guns to defend themselves in their home?
08. People don¡¯t need guns because the police will protect you. Do you agree with this statement?
09. Switzerland has a higher rate of gun ownership than the USA, but hardly any gun crime.
Why do you think this is?
10. In Korea there are strict gun control laws and so there is very little gun crime.
Should all countries follow Korea to lower gun crime?
11. Martin Luther King said: "By our readiness to allow arms to be purchased at will and fired at whim.
We have created an atmosphere in which violence and hatred have become popular pastimes.
" Do you agree with him?