01. What do you know about heart attacks?
02. When does your heart pound?
03. Have you ever had a broken heart?
04. What can you do to look after your heart?
05. What do you know about your heart rate?
06. Does your heart ever miss a beat?
07. Do you worry about having heart problems?
08. What do you know about heart transplants?
09. Where do you think the romantic heart shape comes from?
10. Do you have a lifestyle that looks after your heart?
11. Is there a history of heart disease in your country?
12. Do you know the names of the different parts of the heart?
13. What do you think of transplanting an animal heart into a human?
14. When and how do you think a human heart first starts beating?
15. Do you think scientists will produce a mechanical heart one day that will be able to work forever?