Should Teenagers Get High Instead of Drunk?
For some teenagers, it seems like pot is replacing cocaine, alcohol and tobacco. Is that a good thing?
* Not All Drugs Are Created Equal
No drug is good for teenagers. But when it comes to the chances of immediate death by chemical toxicity, marijuana is about a hundred times safer than alcohol.
* Pot and Alcohol Each Have Risks
The perception of 'great risk' from regular use of marijuana has generally fallen, but it is associated with a long list of mental and physical problems.
* Against Drugged Driving
We should not feel that teens are safer stoned than drunk, especially if they get behind the wheel.
* Not a Good Age for Slow Motion
You don't want to miss out on a job or be rejected by a school because of a failed drug test.
* The Law Adds to the Harm
We should be asking: Is the drug war worth fighting? Is there such a thing as victory?
* Not to Be Taken Lightly
A permissive view of marijuana use among adolescents is hardly the answer. Neither is the seemingly endless war on drugs, especially marijuana.