Headlines Speaking
Debate/Åä·Ð Essay/¿µÀÛ
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[Debate/Åä·Ð] (Q&A) Hands
ÃÖ°í°ü¸®ÀÚ  |  19-06-11 11:23

Hands are interesting things. They can do so many things. We¡¯d be lost without them. I think hands are one of the most useful parts of they body. They are so clever. We can do so many different things with our hands. We can hold things, squeeze things, feel things. We can swing on jungle gyms, write and type letters; the list is endless. I think hands are a very beautiful part of the body, if they are well looked after. It¡¯s interesting to see how many different parts there are to our hands. We have a palm, fingers, knuckleslife lines, fingertips and the back of our hand. There are lots of good things you can do with your hands. I like holding hands – of course with my wife and children.
* lost = (ƯÁ¤ »óȲ¿¡¼­ ¼º°øÇÒ) °¡¸ÁÀÌ ¾ø´Â, ¾î¶»°Ô ÇÒ ÁÙÀ» ¸ð¸£´Â/ clever = ÀçÁÖ(ÀçÄ¡)°¡ ÀÖ´Â; ¿µ¸®ÇÑ, ±â¹ßÇÑ/ squeeze = Â¥´Ù(Áã´Ù)/ swing = È× ¿òÁ÷ÀÌ´Ù(µ¹´Ù)/ endless = ¹«ÇÑÇÑ; ³¡¾ø´Â/ look after = ~À» µ¹º¸´Ù(°Ç»çÇÏ´Ù/¸Ã´Ù)/ palm = ¼Õ¹Ù´Ú/ knuckle = ¼Õ°¡¶ô °üÀý(¸¶µð)/ life line = »ý¸í¼±(ÁÙ); ±¸¸é ¹åÁÙ/ fingertip = ¼Õ°¡¶ô ³¡/ back of one's hand = ¼Õµî 

* Áú¹® * 

01. Do you have a good handshake?
02. How would you describe your hands?
03. Are you left or right-handed?
04. How often do you wash your hands?
05. Who do you like holding hands with?
06. Do people ever ask you to give them a hand?
07. Can you walk on your hands or do handstands?
08. Do you agree that many hands make light work?
09. Do you do anything to take care of your hands?
10. Are there times you¡¯d like an extra pair of hands?
11. What experiences do you have oh hands on learning?
12. Do you like things that are hand painted/made/crafted¡¦?
13. What does it mean if someone calls you a safe pair of hands?
14. Do you know the names of all the different parts of your hands?
15. How do you express your feelings by putting your hands on different parts of your body?
16. What hand signals do you use in your language – Are they different from those in English?