Imagine that you are preparing for a trip. You plan to be away from your home for a year. In addition to clothing and personal care items, you can take one additional thing. What would you take and why? Use specific reasons and details to support your choice.
If I were going to travel for a long time, what should I take besides the clothing and personal care items? The first thing came into my mind is a camera. Not only because I am a photographing amateur, It really worth a lot. It will record my trip exactly and vivaciously. I could share the photos with those who cannot travel for so long a time like me. And it may help me in emergencies.
* besides = ~외에, 게다가, 뿐만 아니라 / clothing = 옷 / personal care item = 개인적인 관리 용품 / come into one's mind = 생각이 나다 / amateur = 비전문가의, 아마추어의 / worth = ~할 가치가 있는 / record = 기록하다 / vivaciously = 활발하게 / emergency = 비상
By taking the photos, I could record my trip easily. I don't need to spend a lot of time on writing down what I see, so that I could rest more. The interesting costume of the people, the exotic architectures, the great scene, and so on, everything will be "written down" by the camera.
* take a photo = 사진찍다 / write down = 기록하다, 적다 / rest = 쉬다 / costume = 의상, 복장 / exotic = 이국적인 / architecture = 건축양식, 건축학
Obviously, the photos are my whole life's treasure, because maybe I will never be there again. Not everyone could have the opportunity like me to travel such a long time. They may be busy all the time, or may not have healthy body to travel. Fortunately, my friends could enjoy the photos I take during my trip. They could see what interest me without stepping out their house.
* obviously = 확실히, 분명히 / treasure = 보물 / opportunity = 기회 / fortunately = 운 좋게도 / step out = 나가다
Furthermore, the camera may help me if I were in short of money. I would exchange my camera to get money in case of emergency. The most valuable to me is the films I take not the camera itself.
* furthermore = 게다가, 더욱이 / short = 부족한, 모자라는 / exchange = 교환하다 / in case of emergency = 비상시에, 위급시에 / valuable = 소중한, 귀중한
So, in addition to the personal necessities, I strongly recommend you to take a camera. You could record what you see at anytime. The photos you take will certainly be a fortune to share with friends. And you can exchange money in your emergencies.
* in addition to = ~에 더하여, ~일 뿐만 아니라 / necessity = 필요, 필수품 / recommend = 추천하다 / fortune = 운, 행운