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37 ÃÊ±Þ [ºÐ»ç] ºóÄ­¿¡ Á¤´äÀ» °í¸£½Ã¿À   ¼ö´É

(¼ö´É) The students soon split up into groups of three, each group (_____) a different path.

1) take

2) taking

3) took

4) has taken

36 ÃÊ±Þ [] ºóÄ­¿¡ Á¤´äÀ» °í¸£½Ã¿À   SAT

(SAT) Understandably, it is the (_____) among theater critics who become most incensed when producers insist on (_____) celebrated classic plays.

1) strategists . . discussing 

2) mediators . . staging 

3) conformists . . praising 

4) traditionalists . . recognizing 

5) purists . . reinterpreting

35 ÃÊ±Þ [°ü°èºÎ»ç] ºóÄ­¿¡ Á¤´äÀ» °í¸£½Ã¿À   ÅäÇÃ

(ÅäÇÃ) Chemistry is concerned with (_____) interact with one another.

1) the way of substances

2) the way substances 

3) the substances way

4) way substances

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