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298 ÃÊ±Þ [Çü¿ë»ç] ºóÄ­¿¡ Á¤´äÀ» °í¸£½Ã¿À   ÅäÀÍ
(ÅäÀÍ) The newly installed robotic arm on the assembly line will be (_______) starting Monday.
(A) operational
(B) operate
(C) operation
(D) operations
297 ÃÊ±Þ [Á¢¼Ó»ç] ºóÄ­¿¡ Á¤´äÀ» °í¸£½Ã¿À   ÅäÀÍ
(ÅäÀÍ) The concert organizers insist (_______) no recording equipment be brought into the venue.
(A) so
(B) that
(C) while
(D) unless
296 ÃÊ±Þ [Çü¿ë»ç] ºóÄ­¿¡ Á¤´äÀ» °í¸£½Ã¿À   ÅäÀÍ
(ÅäÀÍ) All software changes must be dealt with before the (_______) version is shown to investors.
(A) finalize
(B) finalist
(C) finals
(D) final
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