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223 ÃÊ±Þ [°ü»ç] ºóÄ­¿¡ Á¤´äÀ» °í¸£½Ã¿À.   ÅäÇÃ

A : Astronomy is            of stars and planets.
B : Of course, it is.
(A) a science
(B) science
(C) the science
(D) scientific

222 ÃÊ±Þ [°ü»ç] ºóÄ­¿¡ Á¤´äÀ» °í¸£½Ã¿À.   ÅäÇÃ

         more to be pitied than blamed.
(A) Uneducated are
(B) Uneducated is
(C) The uneducated are
(D) The uneducated is
(E) All uneducated are

221 ÃÊ±Þ [°ü»ç] ºóÄ­¿¡ Á¤´äÀ» °í¸£½Ã¿À.   ÅäÇÃ
A : What do you want?
B : I want           that is on the table.
(A) the loaf of bread
(B) a loaf of bread
(C) a bread
(D) some bread
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