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175 ÃÊ±Þ [°ü°è´ë¸í»ç] ºóÄ­¿¡ Á¤´äÀ» °í¸£½Ã¿À.   ÅäÇÃ
 Our friends are expected to assume the burden of their own defense,           they are competent to do.
(A) which we are certain
(B) that we are certain of
(C) of which we are sure
(D) for which we are sure
174 ÃÊ±Þ [°ü°è´ë¸í»ç] ºóÄ­¿¡ Á¤´äÀ» °í¸£½Ã¿À.   ÅäÇÃ

Habits are easily formed : especially such           are bad; and           today seems to be small affair will soon become fixed, and hold you with the strength of a cable.
(A) as, that
(B) that, that
(C) as, what
(D) what, what
(E) as, as

173 ÃÊ±Þ [°ü°è´ë¸í»ç] ºóÄ­¿¡ Á¤´äÀ» °í¸£½Ã¿À.   ÅäÇÃ
A : How embarrassed we are nowadays!
B : The next war will be more cruel            can be imagined.
(A) that
(B) as
(C) which
(D) than
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