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115 ÃÊ±Þ [µ¿»ç/½ÃÁ¦] ºóÄ­¿¡ Á¤´äÀ» °í¸£½Ã¿À.   ÅäÇÃ
A : I'll come to give you the package at eight.
B : That will be too late because we            by that hour.
(A) have gone
(B) will have gone
(C) will go
(D) went
114 ÃÊ±Þ [µ¿»ç/½ÃÁ¦] ºóÄ­¿¡ Á¤´äÀ» °í¸£½Ã¿À.   ÅäÇÃ

It is estimated that ninety percent of the United States' population           in or near cities by the year 2050.
(A) to live
(B) to be living
(C) will be living
(D) living

113 ÃÊ±Þ [°ü°è´ë¸í»ç] ºóÄ­¿¡ Á¤´äÀ» °í¸£½Ã¿À.   ÅäÇÃ

Even though they            for twenty years, the two neighbors are not very friendly.
(A) having been lived side by side
(B) had been living side by side
(C) have been living side by side
(D) having been living sidy by side

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